My current WIP, yet to be titled, follows the story of a grandson who sits down with his grandmother to get her life story. Told through a series of flashbacks and present day conversations, the story explores the concepts of life, loss, and death as well as what it means to be true human. It is currently on its final editorial phase and should be available shortly.
Crownless Kings
Crownless Kings follows the story of a man trying to make it in a world where the socioeconomic structure is reversed. Here the poor are considered rich and the rich poor. It’s about climbing your way down the corporate ladder. What would you give to be your town’s youngest riches to rags story? Crownless Kings is currently unavailable for purchase.
The Romance of Unconnected Lives
The Romance of Unconnected Lives is a serialised novel following the lives of Jane and Matt as they make their way through life almost – but not quite – meeting. It is a love letter to the big city and all its cacophony. The Romance of Unconnected Lives was originally published in twelve monthly installments by Culture Honey magazine. Click here to read the original story. Damian is currently developing the novel to be released in paperback and ebook form sometime in the near future. Please watch his instagram feed for updates on its publication.
Barry the Rogue Baguettiere and other strange tales from the city of Dondolon
Barry the Rogue Baguettiere is a story about a bacon thief. It is a comedy of frivolity. It is whim. It is for anybody who tires of novels taking themselves too seriously. It is also, unfortunately, currently unavailable for purchase. But there are plans to lift Barry from the greasy, bacon-charred ashes.
Short stories
The Blind Ballroom Dancer
The Blind Ballroom Dancer follows the progress of David as he learns to dance under the tutelage of his friend, Larla. Through flashbacks, the reader learns about David’s life growing up and his navigation through the world as a blind man. As a story it seeks to dispel the trope of blindness/ disability as something to overcome and instead fits it into the story as simply another aspect of David’s daily life.
If you would like to read The Blind Ballroom Dancer you can find the story here, at Scarlet Leaf Review.