I have a confession.

The journey upon which I just embarked in fact took place several weeks ago. The next journey – the one I will be on when this post goes live – will probably not be talked about until a few weeks after it takes place.
You see, this adventure I am on is a little cluttered, a little haphazard, and because of this, a linear explanation of it is challenging. This is especially true for me, a writer who isn’t writing, as I’m generally considered not good at this sort of updating thing.

But I want to be better. And in fact this hop, skip, and a jump forward in time is an attempt to be better. Since the events of my last post I have been jumping around a bit. I’ve been in St. Andrews, in Aberdeen (when the Queen passed I got to see the crowds come out to honour her near where she spent her final days).
I’ve even been back in England briefly.
The point is, it’s been busy.

But now that the quick catchup is complete I can continue onto more important things. I am currently on another adventure (assuming all goes according to plan when I write this) and I won’t be posting for at least a week because of it. But I will be trying to keep you up to date via my Instagram account (see link at bottom of page).
After this the plan remains up in the air. I will need to find a job soon, something I can do while I continue to write. Something that, ideally, keeps me in the wilds of Scotland.
I will also be hunkering down to write. The goal is for my daily word count to skyrocket (given it’s currently at around zero that shouldn’t be difficult). I will still be mini-adventuring throughout the winter but these will be smaller, bite-sized adventures designed to fan the flames of my imagination (as well as to ensure I get outside every once in a while instead of spending all day typing away on a laptop).
That’s it for now, another quick update. Make sure and check out my Instagram for more up to date (in theory) updates on my life.